Turtle Valley Wildlife Area


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Turtle Valley Wildlife Area

Turtle Valley Wildlife Area is located in western Walworth County, northwest of the city of Elkhorn. County Hwy P and O disect the property into three areas. The property is approxmately 1,900 acres with two small tracts of land on Turtle Lake and one large tract South of Turtle Lake.

Turtle Valley Wildlife Area consists of mostly shallow marsh and wet meadow with tall grass prairie on the surrounding uplands. Cattail dominate the marshes and a few small woodlots exist on the property.

The Wildlife Area was created in 2000. Prior to restoration of the wetlands the muck soils were farmed for mint. Through cooperation with USDA-NRCS, wetlands were restored using a series of berms, breaking drainage tile and plugging ditches. Nine flowages were created through the restoration process and prairie was planted in the uplands.

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